Thursday, April 11, 2013

FGXpress for Pain?

I am amazed every day with all the new stuff we are learning about the FGXpress power strips! I started using them for my ankle. I was in an accident 13 years ago and was in a coma for 3 weeks. After recovering, I realized there were lasting problems. One of which was a limp and my ankle was always hurting and getting twisted very easily. The doctors have told me for years it would never get better and there was nothing they could do for me.
I had a good friend give me a power strip and tell me that they were a new product, patented and doctor formulated. I agreed to try it on my ankle, anything that helps so I can walk without pain would be great!
After trying the strip for just 3 hours, I stood up and there was no pain! Wow! I kept wearing the power strip and each day got better and better. I can now go for walks with my wife, we have not done that in years.

I then gave a power strip to a few other people and they also had amazing results. One was my brother in law who has a bad back, he is now able to move with out his back hurting. It is helping a friend with asthma, so she can breathe better and another friend with MS.

This little thing gets put on the skin and you don't have to remember to take a pill or drink any of those nasty drinks. It is all natural and helps with so many things, NOT just for pain! Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Memory, Joint and Muscle Pain, Sleep, Stress, Immune System and the list goes on and on.

Check out

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